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Yizkor Book 2024

Ways to Honor and Remember Loved Ones

The custom of saying a prayer for the deceased, accompanied by an offering of Tzedakah, is both ancient and contemporary among the Jewish people.  Such remembrances and prayers occur during Yizkor, the deeply moving part of the Yom Kippur service wherein we recall our loved ones and the role they played in our lives. 

The names of loved ones to be remembered are listed in a printed Yizkor book, which is distributed to those attending Yom Kippur service. In keeping with our custom, each name listed in our Yizkor book will be read aloud for a period of meaningful remembrance during the Yizkor service.

At Beth Israel, it is our tradition to pledge chai ($18) for each remembrance listed in our Yizkor book (i.e., remembrance of a couple is a pledge of $36).  These donations to Beth Israel are gratefully appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE, to print the Yizkor book in a timely manner, there can be no exceptions to the SEPTEMBER 15 deadlines described below. Remember, doing nothing indicates that you want your remembrances from last year's Yizkor book to appear in this year's Yizkor book; you will be charged accordingly for those remembrances, for which we thank you.

To participate in this year's Yizkor Book

If your remembrances were included in last year's Yizkor Book and you wish to include those same remembrances without any change this year:

You do NOT need to take any action at all.  Those remembrances will automatically appear in this year’s book, and you will receive a bill from Congregation Beth Israel for $18 times the number of those remembrances. No action needed.

If your remembrances were included in last year's Yizkor Book, but you wish to remove some or all of those remembrances for this year:

You MUST contact Alison Manaker BY SEPTEMBER 15, instructing her to delete any remembrances from last year’s book.  You will receive a bill from Congregation Beth Israel for $18 times the number  of remembrances that you wish to have appear in this year’s book.

If your remembrances were included in last year's Yizkor Book, but you wish  to add remembrances for this year:

You MUST contact Alison Manaker BY SEPTEMBER 15, identifying the additional name(s) of those you wish to remember (and their relationship to you, eg., mother or cousin) and any phonetic pronunciation advice (e.g. Goldstein as "Goldsteen" or "Goldstine").  You will receive a bill from Congregation Beth Israel for $18 times the number of remembrances you wish to have appear in this year’s book.

If you did not include any remembrances in last year's Yizkor Book but you wish to add remembrances this year:

You MUST contact Alison Manaker BY SEPTEMBER 15, identifying the name(s) of those you wish to remember (and their relationship to you, eg., mother or cousin) and any phonetic pronunciation advice (e.g. Goldstein as "Goldsteen" or "Goldstine").  You will receive a bill from Congregation Beth Israel for $18 times the number of remembrances you wish to have appear in this year’s book.

Congregants can verify their remembrances by looking at last year's Yizkor book using the link below.

view last year's Yizkor book

Charges for Yizkor remembrances are treated as a donations or contributions to Congregation Beth Israel.  Finances should not preclude participation in the Yizkor book.  To request financial assistance, kindly contact Alison Manaker.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785