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- Adult Education: Guest Rabbis 5780
- Holocaust Torah Restoration: Fact of the Week - 2017
- In the Senior Rabbi's Study
- Shabbat Studies
- Mekom Torah
- Rabbi Mirele Goldsmith - D'var on Parsha Noah
- Rabbi Richard Hirsh Through The Years
- Drops of Torah from our members
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The Benefits of Membership
The Benefits of Membership
Congregation Beth Israel of Media, Pennsylvania is a Reconstructionist synagogue in Delaware County (just outside Philadelphia) supported by 180 families. We have been a congregation since 1925, and our members come from all over the Delaware Valley including the Wilmington, Delaware area. Together we present a diverse group with varied backgrounds and religious affiliations. Our membership includes interfaith couples, single parent families, same sex families, individual memberships, and members of different ethnicities. Everyone is welcome into our warm and friendly community.
E-mail Membership@Bethisraelmedia.org to request more information.
Religious Services and General Activities
There are a host of activities available to our members. Our religious program includes Friday night pot luck dinners before services for families, tot Shabbat , and a later service as well. Saturday morning services are led by our rabbis, Linda Potemken and Nathan Martin, and sometimes by an active lay community. Our High Holiday services welcome all generations. There are children's services, a teenage program and babysitting for our younger members.
Hebrew School and Adult Education
At Beth Israel, learning never stops. We have a Hebrew School program for ages pre-K through post Bar/Bat mitzvah. We also offer family and adult education. There is no need for any formal Jewish learning to join most of these groups, nor do you have to be Jewish to participate. If you are interested in being involved in a committee, there are many to chose from. These groups include social action, education, adult education, the book club, religious practices, building beautification, planning, budget and a host of others.
Membership categories
Membership fees are detailed in the prospective member packet. It is the policy of Beth Israel that no one is turned away due to an inability to pay.
There are three categories of membership: individual, family and Chaver or Associate Membership.
1. Individual membership is for a single person
2. Family membership is for anyone with children
New Family or Individual members are asked to give only half of the annual dues during their first year.
3. Chaver membership comes in two forms.
- First, an individual or family that lives less than 75 miles from Beth Israel and who belongs to another synagogue and is a dues paying member in good standing at that synagogue, may become a Chaver member of Beth Israel for $510. These members will receive all entitlements and privileges as a full member.
- The second form of this membership is for an individual or family that lives more than 75 miles away. The fee for this membership is $180, and these members will receive all entitlements and privileges as a full member.
E-mail Membership@Bethisraelmedia.org to request more Information.
Call us at 610-566-4645, and please stop by for Shabbat services. We would love to welcome you to our congregation!
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
: 9:30am |
: 10:00am |
Board of Directors Meeting (in person and on Zoom) : 10:15am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 Board of Directors Meeting (in person and on Zoom) Sunday, Feb 9 10:15am |
Feb 10 Adult Ed - Talmud for Everyone with Rabbinic Intern Kendra Saperstein (on Zoom) Monday, Feb 10 7:30pm |
Feb 12 Morning Spiritual Practice (on Zoom) Wednesday, Feb 12 8:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Contact Information
Congregation Beth Israel of Media
542 S. New Middletown Road
Media, PA 19063
p: (610) 566-4645
f: (610) 566-2240
e-mail: info@bethisraelmedia.org
All content © 2012-2024
Congregation Beth Israel of Media
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Rent Space
We have spaces to accommodate groups large and small. Click here for information.
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Reconstructionist Judaism
Congregation Beth Israel of Media is affiliated with the Reconstructionist movement. Click on the image for more information about Reconstructionist Judaism.
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Celebrate Shabbat!
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:18pm |
Tot Shabbat : 5:45pm |
Shabbat Services with Rabbi Nathan and Rabbinic Intern Kendra Saperstein (in person) : 7:30pm |
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Services with Rabbinic Intern Kendra Saperstein (on Zoom) : 9:45am |
Havdalah : 6:28pm |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 5:18pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:28pm |
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