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President's Welcome
President's Welcome
Welcome to Congregation Beth Israel of Media. We’re so glad you found us. Please explore this website to see what we have to offer. You are also most welcome to email or call us! Our online calendar will give you a sense of the rich variety of services and events we offer. We would love to see you at a Shabbat service, a holiday celebration, an adult learning opportunity, a local community service activity - and so much more.
Welcoming. This is who we are. It’s the word that comes up most frequently from our own members when they tell their “Beth Israel story.” Warm. That’s who we are to each other and to those who come through our doors -- or into our “zoom room”! Beth Israel is a place for community, learning and, of course, tradition. As part of the Reconstructing Judaism movement, we are devoted to Jewish tradition as a guide for modern life, a guide to being our best selves:
We seek ways of living that reveal holiness and godliness in the world, and see the tradition as having a vote, not a veto in that quest. Seeing innovation and adaptation as deeply traditional, we cultivate and support Jewish living, learning, and leadership for a changing world. (www.reconstructingjudaism.org
Did you know that Beth Israel is active in the Interfaith Council for Southern Delaware County? Did you know that we have a close-knit and vibrant Hebrew School? Did you know that we have a Senior Rabbi AND an Associate Rabbi? Did you know that our members are tireless in their collaborations and service projects in Delaware County, Philadelphia and the city of Chester? Did you know that we are committed to environmental justice and sustainability - with both word and deed? I could go on.
I believe that Beth Israel is a treasure, loved by its members in countless, diverse ways. We not only welcome members of all races, abilities, political affiliation, sexual orientations and gender identities - but we are a home to many interfaith families and Jews by Choice (those who have chosen to convert). Judaism teaches us to welcome the stranger and to fight injustice -- Beth Israel reflects these values in its values and actions. Come and see for yourself.
Please contact me, our office, or Rabbis Linda Potemken and Nathan Martin for more information. We look forward to welcoming you.
Shalom! Peace!
Mark Rosenberg, President
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
: 9:30am |
: 10:00am |
Board of Directors Meeting (in person and on Zoom) : 10:15am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 Board of Directors Meeting (in person and on Zoom) Sunday, Feb 9 10:15am |
Feb 10 Adult Ed - Talmud for Everyone with Rabbinic Intern Kendra Saperstein (on Zoom) Monday, Feb 10 7:30pm |
Feb 12 Morning Spiritual Practice (on Zoom) Wednesday, Feb 12 8:30am |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Contact Information
Congregation Beth Israel of Media
542 S. New Middletown Road
Media, PA 19063
p: (610) 566-4645
f: (610) 566-2240
e-mail: info@bethisraelmedia.org
All content © 2012-2024
Congregation Beth Israel of Media
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We have spaces to accommodate groups large and small. Click here for information.
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Reconstructionist Judaism
Congregation Beth Israel of Media is affiliated with the Reconstructionist movement. Click on the image for more information about Reconstructionist Judaism.
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Celebrate Shabbat!
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:18pm |
Tot Shabbat : 5:45pm |
Shabbat Services with Rabbi Nathan and Rabbinic Intern Kendra Saperstein (in person) : 7:30pm |
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Services with Rabbinic Intern Kendra Saperstein (on Zoom) : 9:45am |
Havdalah : 6:28pm |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 5:18pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:28pm |
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