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High Holy Days on Zoom Information Session 2020

Here is a recording of the session “High Holy Days on Zoom Info.”

Please note - the first 20 minutes are specific schedule days and times for the 2020 High Holy Days season. General tips for a good Zoom experience begin at the 20 minute mark.

It lasts about an hour and includes a description of the services and events that are coming up, along with helpful information about how to make your Zoom services satisfying and holy.
Here is a link to the powerpoint that was used during the session, if you want to have that as a reference. The video includes the jokes and additional tips. In the video, the start time for Erev Yom Kippur is incorrect and noticed during the video. It is corrected in this power point version.
Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tovah,
Laura Lee Blechner
RPC Vice Chair for High Holy Days
Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784