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High Holy Days 2023 Highlights for Families with Children

These events may be especially friendly (or accommodating) for families with younger and/or teen children.

All sanctuary services will be streamed on Zoom. Find links here. Kids can watch or play at home during the Zoom. Child care offered during Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur morning services. Find Tot Shabbat and other child-friendly events here.

Welcome Back Evening

Friday, September 8:
Tot Shabbat family gathering 5:45 pm
Potluck Dinner (Please bring salad, side, drinks, or dessert to share) 6:15 pm
Shabbat services 7:30 pm

Apple Picking at Linvilla Orchards

Sunday, September 10 at 10:00 am

Rosh Hashanah

Friday, September 16:
Erev Rosh Hashanah Service 7:30 pm
Saturday, September 17:
Main Rosh Hashanah service 10:00 am (in person and available on Zoom)
Family Service 10:00 am (BI lower level)
Child Care available after family service until 12:30 pm (BI lower level)
Registration forms
Sunday, September 18:
Creative Rosh Hashanah service 10:00 am (in person and available on Zoom)
Picnic Lunch (Bring Your Own Lunch) at Smedley Park 12:00 noon
Program for Teens with the Rabbis at Smedley Park (during Picnic or after Tashlich)
Tashlich and Shofar Blowing at Smedley Park 1:30 pm (approximately)

Yom Kippur

Sunday, September 24:
Kol Nidre/Erev Yom Kippur services 7:00 pm (in person and available on Zoom)
Monday, September 25:
Main Yom Kippur service 10:00 am (in person and available on Zoom)
Family Service 10:00 am (BI lower level)
Child Care available after family service until 1:00 pm (BI lower level)
Registration Forms
Drum Circle 3:30 pm (outside)
Neilah/closing service at approx 6:30 pm - final shofar blast ending Yom Kippur at approximately 7:30 pm (available on Zoom also)


Tuesday, September 26 Sukkah Structure Building (not great for young kids) 3:00 pm walls, 4:00 pm gather and put up corn roof
Friday, September 29 Sukkot/Shabbat service and dinner around the Sukkah table 6:30 pm
Sunday October 1:
Hebrew School Tefillah in the Sukkah (all are welcome) 9:30 am
Program for Parents with Rabbi Linda in the Sukkah (kids in Hebrew School) 10:00 am
Sukkah Decorating during Hebrew School 11:00 am
Pizza Lunch 12:00 noon

Simchat Torah

Saturday, October 7 Shabbat/Simchat Torah Celebration with Hebrew School 9:45 am
Potluck Kiddush Lunch following services

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785