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Covid Safety at the Hebrew School

The following guidelines and requirements were created in consultation with the Beth Israel Covid Advisory Committee.


Vaccination Requirements for Student Attendance

In an effort to keep our Hebrew School community as safe as we can, Beth Israel is requiring all persons eligible for the vaccine living in a household with a student in our Hebrew School be vaccinated. All households must submit proof of vaccination here before the first day of school in order to participate in classes.

If you have questions or a medical exemption please be in direct contact with our Education Director, Molly Paul at

Masks & Building Protocol

All students must remain masked, indoors and outdoors, except when having snacks (snack protocol listed below). Fresh KN95 masks will be provided for the Education Director and each teacher on each day of Hebrew school. Spare masks will be available for students, if needed.

Windows in the classrooms will remain open whenever weather permits. Students will only be inside classrooms with other members of their class and their teachers. Any all grade programming will take place in the Sanctuary with windows open and with each class at least 6 feet apart from the others.


All provided snacks will be individually packaged and will be eaten outdoors whenever weather permits. If snacks need to be eaten indoors, this will happen in the Sanctuary with students spaced 6 feet apart and staggered by class.

Drop-off & Pick-up

Caregivers will not need to enter the building. Instead, students will be dropped at the door and escorted to the main sanctuary space where programming will begin. 

At the end of the school day, students will wait in their classrooms for their caregivers. Caregivers will pick up students from the side entrance next to the parking lot, where the Education Director will coordinate students being escorted from their classrooms.  

In the event that a student tests positive for COVID 

All households with students in the school will be notified immediately. In-person programming will be suspended for 10 days from the date of the positive test. During this time, classes will take place over Zoom.

September 3, 2021

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784