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We Welcome the New Year

September 1, 2021


Rabbi Linda Potemken

With joy and gratitude, we welcome rabbinical students Molly Paul and Aya Baron to our professional team. Molly will serve as our Hebrew School principal and Aya will serve as our rabbinic intern, working with both rabbis and the community in multiple capacities. We are excited to bring the voices and talents of the next generation of rabbis to our community.

With sadness and some anxiety we do not welcome the Delta variant and the persistence of this pandemic. We urge everyone to do all that they can to stay safe and to keep others safe – getting vaccinated, masking and thinking of the greater good with each decision you entertain.  Pikuach Nefesh – saving a life – is a deep Jewish value, based on the notion that life is holy and that each soul is sacred. We thank our members who are serving on the COVID committee for their time and discernment as we navigate difficult communal decisions.

May we all find the patience and wisdom we need to make it through this next chapter. May the new year be a time of renewal – of spirit and of interpersonal connection. May we practice compassion as we venture forward and may we begin with compassion for ourselves and then extend it outward.  Shanah tovah!

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785